Health Services
The USD 440 school nurse acts as a resource for teachers and students by providing information on subjects related to student health concerns, as well as serving as a resource for parents in monitoring their child's health while at school.
Health Services
Education and health have a reciprocal relationship. Health factors influence one's ability to learn. Education affects one's ability to engage in healthful behaviors.
USD 440 provides a variety of health services to the district's students and families:
Nursing assessment regarding emergencies and illnesses
Monitoring the immunization status of students in order to ensure compliance with Kansas' immunization laws
Vision screening for kindergarten, first, second, third, fifth, seventh, ninth and eleventh grades
Hearing screening for kindergarten, first, second, third, fifth, seventh, ninth, and eleventh grades
Promoting wellness activities for students and school staff
Any child entering a Kansas school for the first time must have proof of current immunization required by the state of Kansas. The student is typically a kindergarten student, but may also be a transfer student from another state or country, or a child who has been home-schooled and never attended a public learning center.
Health Assessments
Every child under the age of 8 years is required to have a health assessment completed within 90 days of enrolling in a Kansas school for the first time. A physician or a registered nurse certified to do physicals health assessment must perform the assessment within 12 months prior to school entrance.

Julia Schnurr, District Nurse